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Stories from
Lea Road

“I was born in Springfield, Maryland Jamaica on 1st October 1923.
I came here with nothing and ended up with
2 houses, 2 cars and 7 kids. In 1955 I came into the country. I buy the newspaper in Jamaica. It advertise vacancies here, in Wolverhampton for labour and such like. 

When I came here my first job was in the foundry. I came to Blakenhall to my aunty and her husband. I was single. This chap get a job for me at C&B Smith. I went to Nechalls Lane (from) 1955 until 1985 in the foundry. I married in 1960 in the Registry Office in Stafford Street and came down here to Claremont in 1966.

I usually worked 7 days a week, Sunday to Sunday. Then I went to the foreman and said. I want to stop Sunday I got three kids and I want to see them. He said "Sam, yes but if I am in difficulty will you come in?" I say "Yes"

Sometimes he called me and sometimes not. 

I came down here to Mr. Jordan (minister 1970/77). All of us. Me my wife and kids. I got 7 kids. They all come here to Sunday School here. I usually came down and helped at the Day Centre when I retired in 1985..

These people cheer me up. I will never leave here now. No way.
Always been a friendly church.”
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